Dr. Christoph Zetzsche
Leitung: Visuelle und Multisensorische Informationsverarbeitung
Curriculum Vitae
Raum: 4.046 | Telefon: +49 (0)421 218 - 64242
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2023 | |
[101] | Representing (Dis)Similarities Between Prediction and Fixation Maps Using Intersection-over-Union Features ( ), In Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Association for Computing Machinery, 2023. |
2021 | |
[100] | Object Manipulations in VR Show Task- and Object-Dependent Modulation of Motor Patterns ( ), In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM, 2021. |
2020 | |
[99] | From Human to Robot Everyday Activity ( ), In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020. |
[98] | Categorization of Contact Events as Intended or Unintended usingPre-Contact Kinematic Features ( ), In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2020. |
[97] | Pre-Contact Kinematic Features for the Categorization of Contact Events as Intended or Unintended ( ), In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2020. |
[96] | Early vs Late Fusion in Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks ( ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2020. |
2019 | |
[95] | Adaptivity of End Effector Motor Control Under Different Sensory Conditions: Experiments with Humans in Virtual Reality and Robotic Applications ( ), In Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2019. |
[94] | Deep Residual Temporal Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition ( ), In Computer Vision Systems (Dimitrios Tzovaras, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Markus Vincze, Antonis Argyros, eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2019. |
2018 | |
[93] | Exploring Human Kinematic Control for Robotics Applications: The Role of Afferent Sensory Information in a Precision Task ( ), In IROS 2018: Workshop - Towards Robots that Exhibit Manipulation Intelligence, 2018. |
[92] | Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition ( ), In IROS 2018: Workshop on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New Challenges, 2018. |
2017 | |
[91] | Neural Computation of Statistical Image Properties in Peripheral Vision ( ), In Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS), 2017. |
2016 | |
[90] | Navigation technology for exploration of glacier ice with maneuverable melting probes ( ), In Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, volume 123, 2016. |
2015 | |
[89] | Information-Driven Active Audio-Visual Source Localization ( ), In PLoS ONE (Long Wang, ed.), Public Library of Science (PLoS), volume 10, 2015. |
[88] | Affordance-Based Object Recognition Using Interactions Obtained from a Utility Maximization Principle ( ), Chapter in Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops, Springer Science + Business Media, 2015. |
2014 | |
[87] | Active Sensorimotor Object Recognition in Three-Dimensional Space ( ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition IX, Springer Science + Business Media, 2014. |
[86] | Spatial Numerosity: A Computational Model Based on a Topological Invariant ( ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition IX, Springer Science + Business Media, 2014. |
2013 | |
[85] | Prediction of the perceived quality of streak distortions in offset-printing with a psychophysically motivated multi-channel model ( ), In Journal of Modern Optics, Informa UK Limited, volume 60, 2013. |
[84] | Statistical Invariants of Spatial Form: From Local AND to Numerosity ( ), In Proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary Workshop The Shape of Things, CEUR-WS.org, 2013. |
[83] | Is the user trained? Assessing performance and cognitive resource demands in the Virtusphere ( ), In 2013 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013. |
[82] | Sensorimotor integration using an information gain strategy in application to object recognition tasks (Abstract) ( ), 2013. |
[81] | Multisensory Ambiguities in Impossible Worlds: Assessing Auditory, Visual, and Motor Contributions to the Representation of Space (Abstract) ( ), 2013. |
[80] | Stereo features in a hierarchical feed-forward model ( ), In 16. Anwendungsbezogener Workshop zur Erfassung, Modellierung, Verarbeitung und Auswertung von 3D-Daten, 2013. |
[79] | Low-level global features for vision-based localizations ( ), In In KI 2013 Workshop on Visual and Spatial Cognition, 2013. |
2012 | |
[78] | Prediction of the Perceived Quality of Streak Distortions in Offset-Printing with a Psychophysically Motivated Multi-channel Model ( ), In Tagungsband 18.Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2012 (P. Urban, M. Goesele, eds.), Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, 2012. |
[77] | From Pattern Recognition to Place Detection ( ), In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Place-related Knowledge Acquisition Research (P-KAR), 2012. |
[76] | Sensorimotor Representation of Space: Application in Autonomous Systems and in a Wayfinding Assistant for Alzheimer\textquotesingles Disease ( ), In 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012. |
[75] | Investigating the In-Between: Multisensory Integration of Auditory and Visual Motion Streams ( ), In Seeing and Perceiving, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 25, 2012. |
2011 | |
[74] | Combining Sensorimotor Representation, Top-Down Knowledge, and Active Exploratory Perception for Spatial Localization (Abstract) ( ), 2011. |
[73] | Spatial alignment of the senses: The role of audition in eye-hand-coordination (Abstract) ( ), 2011. |
[72] | Multi-sensory-motor research: Investigating auditory, visual, and motor interaction in virtual reality environments (Abstract) ( ), 2011. |
2010 | |
[71] | Active vision for exploratory localization ( ), In Journal of Vision, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), volume 8, 2010. |
[70] | Motion extrapolation of auditory-visual targets ( ), In Information Fusion, Elsevier, volume 11, 2010. |
[69] | Bio-inspired Architecture for Active Sensorimotor Localization ( ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition VII, Springer Science + Business Media, 2010. |
[68] | Multisensory Integration in Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) ( ), 2010. |
2009 | |
[67] | Representation of space: image-like or sensorimotor? ( ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 22, 2009. |
[66] | A belief-based architecture for scene analysis: From sensorimotor features to knowledge and ontology ( ), In Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier, volume 160, 2009. |
[65] | From Visual Peception to Place ( ), In Cognitive Processing, volume 10, 2009. |
[64] | The Influence of Visual Stimuli on Auditory Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) ( ), 2009. |
2008 | |
[63] | Sensorimotor representation and knowledge-based reasoning for spatial exploration and localisation ( ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 9, 2008. |
[62] | Active vision for exploratory localization ( ), 2008. |
[61] | Efficient Wayfinding in Hierarchically Regionalized Spatial Environments ( ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition VI. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space, Springer Science + Business Media, 2008. |
2007 | |
[60] | Learning the selectivity of V2 and V4 neurons using non-linear multi-layer wavelet networks ( ), In Biosystems, Elsevier, volume 89, 2007. |
[59] | Nonlinear encoding in multilayer LNL systems optimized for the representation of natural images ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 2007. |
[58] | Navigation based on a sensorimotor representation: a virtual reality study ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 2007. |
[57] | Hybride Architektur für die sensomotorische Repräsentation von räumlichen Konfigurationen ( ), In Beiträge zur 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft, 2007. |
2006 | |
[56] | Hybrid architecture for the sensorimotor representation of spatial configurations ( ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 7, 2006. |
[55] | Nonlinear properties of V2 and V4 neurons emerge in multi-layer networks trained with natural images ( ), In Perception, volume 35, 2006. |
2005 | |
[54] | Low-level integration of auditory and visual motion signals requires spatial co-localisation ( ), In Exp Brain Res, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 166, 2005. |
[53] | Nonlinear and higher-order approaches to the encoding of natural scenes ( ), In Network: Computation in Neural Systems, Informa UK Limited, volume 16, 2005. |
[52] | Natural scene statistics and nonlinear neural interactions between frequency-selective mechanisms ( ), In Biosystems, Elsevier, volume 79, 2005. |
2004 | |
[51] | Catching audiovisual mice: Predicting the arrival time of auditory-visual motion signals ( ), In Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 4, 2004. |
2003 | |
[50] | Motion Shapes: Empirical Studies and Neural Modeling ( ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition III, Springer Science + Business Media, 2003. |
[49] | Nonlinear two-layer wavelet networks for feature extraction and coding ( ), In Proc. 6th IEEE-EURASIP Intern. Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2003. |
2002 | |
[48] | Audio-Visual Sensory Interactions and the Statistical Covariance of the Natural Environment ( ), In Proc. Forum Acousticum 2002, 2002. |
[47] | The statistics of natural scenes and Weber's law ( ), In Dynamic Perception, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002. |
2001 | |
[46] | Nonlinear and extra-classical receptive field properties and the statistics of natural scenes ( ), In INET, Informa UK Limited, volume 12, 2001. |
[45] | Nonlinear mechanisms and higher-order statistics in biological vision and electronic image processing: review and perspectives ( ), In J. Electron. Imaging, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 10, 2001. |
[44] | Nonlinear Operators and Higher-Order Statistics in Image Processing and Analysis ( ), In Proc. ISPA 2001 - 2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2001. |
[43] | Auditory-Visual Interactions and the Covariance Structure Generated by Relative Movements in Natural Environments ( ), In Proc. Seventh Intern. Congr. on Sound and Vibration (G. Guidati, H. Hunt, H. Heller, A. Heiss, eds.), 2001. |
[42] | Nonlinear interactions between frequency components and the selective processing of intrinsically two-dimensional signals by cortical neurons ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, volume 4299, 2001. |
2000 | |
[41] | Object and scene analysis by saccadic eye-movements: an investigation with higher-order statistics ( ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 13, 2000. |
[40] | Cortical Complex Cells and the Statistical Structure of the Natural Environment ( ), In Dynamische Perzeption (G. Baratoff, H. Neumann, eds.), Akad. Verlagsges., volume 9, 2000. |
1999 | |
[39] | The atoms of vision: Cartesian or polar? ( ), In Journal of the Optical Society of America A, The Optical Society, volume 16, 1999. |
[38] | Knowledge-based scene analysis with saccadic eye movements ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 1999. |
[37] | Nonlinear neurons and higher-order statistics: new approaches to human perception and electronic image representations, ( ), In Proc. SPIE, volume 3644, 1999. |
1998 | |
[36] | Intrinsic two-dimensional features as textons ( ), In Journal of the Optical Society of America A, The Optical Society, volume 15, 1998. |
[35] | Visual representation of spatiotemporal structure ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 1998. |
[34] | Investigation of a sensorimotor system for saccadic scene analysis: an integrated approach ( ), In From Animals to Animates 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (R. Pfeifer, B. Blumberg, J. A. Meyer, S. W. Wilson, eds.), Cambridge: MIT Press, volume 5, 1998. |
[33] | Investigation of a sensorimotor system for saccadic scene analysis: an integrated approach ( ), In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, MIT Pres, 1998. |
[32] | Exploitation of 1/f2 power spectra and self-similar bandpass decompositions ( ), In Proc. CVPR-98, 1998. |
[31] | Curvature measures in visual information processing ( ), In Open Systems & Information Dynamics, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 5, 1998. |
1997 | |
[30] | Neural network models and the visual cortex: the missing link between orientation selectivity and the natural environment ( ), In Neuroscience Letters, Elsevier, volume 228, 1997. |
[29] | Higher-order statistics of natural images and their exploitation by operators selective to intrinsic dimensionality ( ), In Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume PR08005, 1997. |
1996 | |
[28] | Amblyopic Quasi-blindness for Image Structure ( ), In Vision Research, Elsevier, volume 36, 1996. |
[27] | Feature-specific vector quantization of images ( ), In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 5, 1996. |
[26] | On the generalization of symmetry relations in visual pattern classification ( ), In Spatial Vision - Special Issue on Perceptual Learning and Adaptation in Man and Machine, volume 10, 1996. |
[25] | Nonlinear image operators for the evaluation of local intrinsic dimensionality ( ), In IEEE Transactions Image Processing - Special Issue on Nonlinear Image Processing, volume 5, 1996. |
1995 | |
[24] | A model of spatio-temporal memory: the icon revisited ( ), In Psychological Research, volume 57, 1995. |
[23] | Nonlinear image operators for the detection of local intrinsic dimensionality ( ), In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 1995. |
1994 | |
[22] | Curvature from a non-differential viewpoint: perspectives from visual information processing ( ), In Proc. 4th Conf. Theoretical Physics, 1994. |
[21] | Nichtlineare Operatoren und Bindungen hoeherer Ordnung in der biologischen und technischen Musterverarbeitung ( ), In Momente hoeherer Ordnung: Algorithmen und deren Anwendung (E. Haensler, ed.), 1994. |
1993 | |
[20] | Image Encoding, Labeling, and Reconstruction from Differential Geometry ( ), In CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, Elsevier, volume 55, 1993. |
[19] | Fractal properties from 2D curvature on multiple scales ( ), In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II (Baba C. Vemuri, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, 1993. |
[18] | The Importance of Intrinsically Two-Dimensional Image Features in Biological Vision and Picture Coding ( ), Chapter in Digital images and human vision (A. B. Watson, ed.), MIT Press, 1993. |
[17] | Nonlinear Aspects of Primary Vision: Entropy Reduction Beyond Decorrelation ( ), In Proc. SID Vol. XXIV (J. Morreale, ed.), 1993. |
1992 | |
[16] | Efficient image sequence coding by vector quantization of spatiotemporal bandpass outputs ( ), In Visual Communications and Image Processing \textquotesingle92 (Petros Maragos, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1818, 1992. |
1991 | |
[15] | Direct detection of flow discontinuities by 3D curvature operators ( ), In Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, volume 12, 1991. |
[14] | Spatio-temporal curvature measures for flow-field analysis ( ), In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision (Baba C. Vemuri, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1570, 1991. |
[13] | Efficient visual representation and reconstruction from generalized curvature measures ( ), In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision (Baba C. Vemuri, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1570, 1991. |
[12] | Comparison of LBG-based and perceptually motivated vector quantization of orientation filter outputs ( ), In Proc. Soc. Information Display (J. Morreale, ed.), volume 12, 1991. |
[11] | Local amplitude irrelevance thresholds in an human vision image code ( ), In Proc. Picture Coding Symposium PCS 91, 1991. |
[10] | Completing knowledge by competing hierarchies ( ), In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1991. |
1990 | |
[9] | Visual-system-based polar quantization of local amplitude and local phase of orientation filter outputs ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Jan P. Allebach, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1249, 1990. |
[8] | Image surface predicates and the neural encoding of two-dimensional signal variations ( ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Jan P. Allebach, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1249, 1990. |
[7] | Statistical dependence between orientation filter outputs used in a human-vision-based image code ( ), In Visual Communications and Image Processing \textquotesingle90: Fifth in a Series (Murat Kunt, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1360, 1990. |
[6] | Fundamental limits of linear filters in the visual processing of two-dimensional signals ( ), In Vision Research, Elsevier, volume 30, 1990. |
[5] | Die Bedeutung des analytischen Signals in Bildanalyse und Bildcodierung ( ), In Frequenz, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, volume 44, 1990. |
1989 | |
[4] | Multiple Channel Model For The Prediction Of Subjective Image Quality ( ), In Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display (Bernice E. Rogowitz, ed.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 1077, 1989. |
[3] | Invariant pattern recognition using multiple filter image representations ( ), In Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Elsevier, volume 45, 1989. |
[2] | Principal features of human vision in the context of image quality models ( ), In IEEE 3rd Int. Conf. Image Proc. and its Appl, 1989. |
1982 | |
[1] | Simplified realization of the holographic inverse filter: a new method ( ), In Appl. Opt., The Optical Society, volume 21, 1982. |
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