
Filter publications:
[199] Multi-Robot Graph SLAM Using LIDAR (, , ), In 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[198] The Square-Root Unscented and the Square-Root Cubature Kalman Filters on Manifolds (, ), In Sensors, volume 24, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[197] PRORETA 5 – building blocks for automated urban driving enhancing city road safety (, , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In at - Automatisierungstechnik, volume 72, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[196] Field-Based Planetary Protection Operations for Melt Probes: Validation of Clean Access into the Blood Falls, Antarctica, Englacial Ecosystem (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In Astrobiology, volume 23, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[195] Representing (Dis)Similarities Between Prediction and Fixation Maps Using Intersection-over-Union Features (, ), In Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Association for Computing Machinery, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[194] VaMEx3: Autonomously Exploring Mars with a Heterogeneous Robot Swarm (, , , , , , , , ), In 17th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), European Space Agency (ESA), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[193] On the Use of Distribution-based Metrics for the Evaluation of Drivers' Fixation Maps Against Spatial Baselines (, ), In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ACM, . [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]
[192] Visual-Inertial Odometry aided by Speed and Steering Angle Measurements (, , ), In 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[191] Coverage Path Planning and Precise Localization for Autonomous Lawn Mowers (, , , , , , , , ), In 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[190] The OPA3L System and Testconcept for Urban Autonomous Driving (, , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[189] Object Manipulations in VR Show Task- and Object-Dependent Modulation of Motor Patterns (, ), In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM, . [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]
[188] State Estimation of Articulated Vehicles Using Deformed Superellipses (, ), In 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[187] Uncertainties in Galilean Spacetime (), In 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[186] Efficient Grid Map Data Structures for Autonomous Driving in Large-Scale Environments (, , ), In 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation (ITSC), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[185] TRIPLE-nanoAUV: A Guidance, Navigation and Control System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to Explore the Oceans of Icy Moons (, , , , , , , , , ), In 18th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), . (extended abstract) [bibtex]
[184] Visual-Multi-Sensor Odometry with Application in Autonomous Driving (, , ), In 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[183] A Digital Twin of the Social-Ecological System Urban Beekeeping (, , ), In Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics (Andreas Kamilaris, Volker Wohlgemuth, Kostas Karatzas, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, eds.), Springer International Publishing, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[182] A Comparison of Bottom-Up Models for Spatial Saliency Predictions in Autonomous Driving (, ), In Sensors, volume 21, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[181] On the Probabilistic Coupling Between Rotation and Translation in State Estimation (, ), In 2021 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[180] Kalman Filter with Moving Reference for Jump-Free, Multi-Sensor Odometry with Application in Autonomous Driving (, , , , ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[179] Extended Object Tracking on the Affine Group Aff(2) (, , ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[178] Self-Learning Data-Based Models as Basis of a Universally Applicable Energy Management System (, , , , , ), In Energies, MDPI AG, volume 13, . [bibtex] [doi]
[177] Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Multisensory Data from Honey Bee Colonies (, , , , ), In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[176] Manifold-Based Sensorimotor Representations for Bootstrapping of Mobile Agents (), PhD thesis, Cognitive Neuroinformatics, University of Bremen, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[175] From Human to Robot Everyday Activity (, , , , , , , , , , , ), In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), . [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]
[174] A DIY sensor kit, Gaussian Processes and a multi-agent system fused into a smart beekeeping assistant (, , ), In 2020 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[173] FPGA-Based Optical Surface Inspection of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Quantized Neural Networks (, , ), In Electronics, volume 9, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[172] Evaluation of Measurement Space Representations of Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection for Extended Object Tracking in Autonomous Driving (, , ), In IEEE 3rd Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[171] Realizing a Demonstrator for the Autonomous Exploration of a Parking Lot (, , , , , , , , , , , ), In 1st Virtual IFAC World Congress 2020 (IFAC-V), . (extended abstract) [bibtex] [abstract]
[170] Cooperative Autonomous Navigation for Extra-Terrestrial Exploration (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 17th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), . (extended ebstract) [bibtex] [pdf]
[169] Categorization of Contact Events as Intended or Unintended usingPre-Contact Kinematic Features (, , ), In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), . [bibtex] [doi]
[168] Pre-Contact Kinematic Features for the Categorization of Contact Events as Intended or Unintended (, , ), In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), . [bibtex] [doi]
[167] Early vs Late Fusion in Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks (, , ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[166] Active Asteroid-SLAM (, , ), In Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[165] Autonomous Driving Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Multi-Sensor Fusion (, , , , ), In 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV2019), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[164] ESKO6d - A Binocular and RGB-D Dataset of Stored Kitchen Objects with 6d Poses (, , ), In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[163] Adaptivity of End Effector Motor Control Under Different Sensory Conditions: Experiments with Humans in Virtual Reality and Robotic Applications (, , ), In Frontiers in Robotics and AI, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[162] β-SLAM: Simultaneous localization and grid mapping with beta distributions (, , ), In Information Fusion, volume 52, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[161] Deep Residual Temporal Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition (, , ), In Computer Vision Systems (Dimitrios Tzovaras, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Markus Vincze, Antonis Argyros, eds.), Springer International Publishing, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[160] Autonomous In-Ice Exploration of the Saturnian Moon Enceladus (, , , , , ), In 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[159] Multi-Sensor Fusion and Active Perception for Autonomous Deep Space Navigation (, , ), In 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[158] Dynamic Modeling and Implementation of Trajectory Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis, and Optimal Control for Autonomous Deep Space Navigation (), PhD thesis, Optimization and Optimal Control, University of Bremen, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[157] Exploring Human Kinematic Control for Robotics Applications: The Role of Afferent Sensory Information in a Precision Task (, , ), In IROS 2018: Workshop - Towards Robots that Exhibit Manipulation Intelligence, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[156] Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition (, , ), In IROS 2018: Workshop on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New Challenges, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[155] Uncertainty in Localization, Mapping, and Planning: Advanced Methods and Applications (), PhD thesis, Cognitive Neuroinformatics, University of Bremen, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[154] Formal methods for reasoning and uncertainty reduction in evidential grid maps (, , ), In International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier, volume 87, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[153] Multi-robot in-ice localization using graph optimization (), In IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[152] Neural Computation of Statistical Image Properties in Peripheral Vision (, , , , , ), In Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS), . [bibtex]
[151] Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Trajectories for Autonomous Small Celestial Body Operations (, , , ), In Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016 (Peregrina Quintela, Patricia Barral, Dolores G\'ømez, Francisco J. Pena, Jer\'ønimo Rodríguez, Pilar Salgado, Miguel E. Vazquez-Mendez, eds.), Springer, volume 26, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[150] Extended Kalman filter with manifold state representation for navigating a maneuverable melting probe (, ), In 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[149] An evidential approach to SLAM, path planning, and active exploration (, , ), In International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier, volume 73, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[148] Active classification using belief functions and information gain maximization (), In International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier, volume 72, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[147] Optimal rotation sequences for active perception (, , , ), In Proc. SPIE: Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (Jerome J. Braun, ed.), SPIE Press, volume 9872, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[146] Towards the exploitation of formal methods for information fusion (, , ), In Proc. SPIE: Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (Jerome J. Braun, ed.), SPIE Press, volume 9872, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[145] Navigation technology for exploration of glacier ice with maneuverable melting probes (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, volume 123, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[144] Gardening in Ambient Assisted Living (, ), In Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Elsevier, volume 15, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[143] Low Thrust Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Asteroid Rendezvous Missions (, , ), In 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT), Darmstadt, Germany, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[142] Rigid body attitude control based on a manifold representation of direction cosine matrices (, , ), In 13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD), volume 783, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[141] Information-Driven Active Audio-Visual Source Localization (, , , ), In PLoS ONE (Long Wang, ed.), Public Library of Science (PLoS), volume 10, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[140] KaNaRiA: Identifying the Challenges for Cognitive Autonomous Navigation and Guidance for Missions to Small Planetary Bodies (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex]
[139] Active and assisted living in your garden (, ), In IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[138] Adaptive Information Selection in Images: Efficient Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor Classification (, , ), Chapter in Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[137] Autonomous Orbit Navigation for a Mission to the Asteroid Main Belt (, , , , , , ), In 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex]
[136] Affordance-Based Object Recognition Using Interactions Obtained from a Utility Maximization Principle (, , , , ), Chapter in Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[135] Navigation system for a research ice probe for antarctic glaciers (, , , , , , ), In IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[134] Künstliche Intelligenz, Kognition und Robotik (, ), Chapter in Vielfalt der Informatik - Ein Beitrag zu Selbstverständnis und Außenwirkung (A. Zeising, C. Draude, H. Schelhowe, S. Maaß, eds.), Universität Bremen, . (Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (Open Access)) [bibtex] [abstract]
[133] Belief Functions: Theory and Algorithms (), PhD thesis, University of Bremen, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[132] Dimensions of Uncertainty in Evidential Grid Maps (, ), In Spatial Cognition IX (Christian Freksa, Bernhard Nebel, Mary Hegarty, Thomas Barkowsky, eds.), Springer Science + Business Media, volume 8684, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[131] Evidential Object Recognition Based on Information Gain Maximization (, ), In Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[130] Active Sensorimotor Object Recognition in Three-Dimensional Space (, , , , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition IX, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[129] Spatial Numerosity: A Computational Model Based on a Topological Invariant (, ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition IX, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[128] Gelenkte Imagination durch narrative Kontextualisierung – Filmische Bewegtbilder in Eye-Tracking-Experimenten (, , , ), Chapter in Anschauen und Vorstellen. Gelenkte Imagination im Kino (H. Preußer, ed.), Schüren, volume 4, . [bibtex]
[127] Multi-Sensor Fusion Using Evidential SLAM for Navigating a Probe through Deep Ice (, ), In Belief Functions: Theory and Applications (Fabio Cuzzolin, ed.), Springer Science + Business Media, volume 8764, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[126] Sparse 3D reconstructions in electrical impedance tomography using real data (, , , ), In Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Informa UK Limited, volume 22, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[125] Prediction of the perceived quality of streak distortions in offset-printing with a psychophysically motivated multi-channel model (, ), In Journal of Modern Optics, Informa UK Limited, volume 60, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[124] Evidential FastSLAM for Grid Mapping (, ), In 16th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[123] Statistical Invariants of Spatial Form: From Local AND to Numerosity (, , ), In Proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary Workshop The Shape of Things,, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[122] Is the user trained? Assessing performance and cognitive resource demands in the Virtusphere (, , , ), In 2013 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[121] Information-Driven Audio-Visual Source Localization on a Mobile Robot (Abstract) (, , ), . [bibtex]
[120] Ubiquitous Fall Detection and Activity Recognition System for Bathrooms (, , ), In Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice: AAATE 2013, IOS Press, volume 33, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[119] Sensorimotor integration using an information gain strategy in application to object recognition tasks (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[118] Multisensory Ambiguities in Impossible Worlds: Assessing Auditory, Visual, and Motor Contributions to the Representation of Space (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex]
[117] Towards Sensorimotor Navigation Support for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimer's Disease (, ), In UNKNOWN, . [bibtex]
[116] Stereo features in a hierarchical feed-forward model (, , ), In 16. Anwendungsbezogener Workshop zur Erfassung, Modellierung, Verarbeitung und Auswertung von 3D-Daten, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[115] Low-level global features for vision-based localizations (, ), In In KI 2013 Workshop on Visual and Spatial Cognition, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[114] Prediction of the Perceived Quality of Streak Distortions in Offset-Printing with a Psychophysically Motivated Multi-channel Model (, ), In Tagungsband 18.Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2012 (P. Urban, M. Goesele, eds.), Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[113] From Pattern Recognition to Place Detection (, , , ), In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Place-related Knowledge Acquisition Research (P-KAR), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[112] Sensorimotor Representation of Space: Application in Autonomous Systems and in a Wayfinding Assistant for Alzheimer\textquotesingles Disease (, , , ), In 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[111] Optimising control algorithms in biofeedback-systems (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[110] Investigating the In-Between: Multisensory Integration of Auditory and Visual Motion Streams (, , , , ), In Seeing and Perceiving, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 25, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[109] Touch and speech: Multimodal interaction for elderly persons (, , , , , , , ), In Lecture Notes, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, . [bibtex]
[108] EVALUATING A SPOKEN LANGUAGE INTERFACE OF A MULTIMODAL INTERACTIVE GUIDANCE SYSTEM FOR ELDERLY PERSONS (, , , , , , ), In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Health Informatics, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[107] Particle filtering in the Dempster-Shafer theory (), In International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier, volume 52, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[106] The "Intelligent Container" - A Cognitive Sensor Network for Transport Management (, , , , , ), In IEEE Sensors J., Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 11, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[105] Evaluation of a Unified Dialogue Model for Human-Computer Interaction (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications, . [bibtex]
[104] Combining Sensorimotor Representation, Top-Down Knowledge, and Active Exploratory Perception for Spatial Localization (Abstract) (, , ), . [bibtex]
[103] Combining Statistical and Symbolic Reasoning for Active Scene Categorization (, , ), Chapter in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[102] UNOBTRUSIVE DATA RETRIEVAL FOR PROVIDING INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE IN AAL ENVIRONMENTS (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[101] Spatial alignment of the senses: The role of audition in eye-hand-coordination (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[100] Multi-sensory-motor research: Investigating auditory, visual, and motor interaction in virtual reality environments (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[99] Towards effective, efficient and elderly-friendly multimodal interaction (, , , , , , ), In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA \textquotesingle11, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[98] Active vision for exploratory localization (, , , ), In Journal of Vision, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), volume 8, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[97] Motion extrapolation of auditory-visual targets (, , , , ), In Information Fusion, Elsevier, volume 11, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[96] Bio-inspired Architecture for Active Sensorimotor Localization (, , , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition VII, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[95] Multisensory Integration in Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[94] MobiDev: A Mobile Development Kit for Combined Paper-Based and in-Situ Programming on the Mobile Phone (, , , , ), In CHI '10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[93] Representation of space: image-like or sensorimotor? (, , , ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 22, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[92] A belief-based architecture for scene analysis: From sensorimotor features to knowledge and ontology (, , ), In Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier, volume 160, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[91] From Visual Peception to Place (, , , ), In Cognitive Processing, volume 10, . [bibtex]
[90] EVIDENTIAL COMBINATION OF ONTOLOGICAL AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR ACTIVE SCENE CLASSIFICATION (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[89] The Influence of Visual Stimuli on Auditory Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex]
[88] Hierarchical Clustering of Sensorimotor Features (), Chapter in KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[87] Sensorimotor representation and knowledge-based reasoning for spatial exploration and localisation (, , ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 9, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[86] Active vision for exploratory localization (, , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[85] Active Vision-based Localization using Dempster-Shafer Theory (), Master's thesis, University of Bremen - Department of Informatics, . [bibtex]
[84] Efficient Wayfinding in Hierarchically Regionalized Spatial Environments (, , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition VI. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[83] Hierarchical clustering of sensorimotor features (), Master's thesis, University of Bremen - Department of Informatics, . [bibtex]
[82] Implementierung eines 4D-Template-Matchers und Modellierung eines Verfahrens zur Positionierung (), Master's thesis, University of Bremen - Department of Informatics, . [bibtex]
[81] Learning the selectivity of V2 and V4 neurons using non-linear multi-layer wavelet networks (, ), In Biosystems, Elsevier, volume 89, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[80] Nonlinear encoding in multilayer LNL systems optimized for the representation of natural images (, ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[79] Navigation based on a sensorimotor representation: a virtual reality study (, , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[78] Hybride Architektur für die sensomotorische Repräsentation von räumlichen Konfigurationen (, , ), In Beiträge zur 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft, . [bibtex]
[77] Integrating uncertain knowledge in a domain ontology for room concept classifications (, , ), In The Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, . [bibtex]
[76] Hybrid architecture for the sensorimotor representation of spatial configurations (, , ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 7, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[75] Nonlinear properties of V2 and V4 neurons emerge in multi-layer networks trained with natural images (, , ), In Perception, volume 35, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[74] Entwicklung eines sensomotorischen Explorationssystems zur Klassifikation von VR-Umgebungen (), Master's thesis, University of Bremen, . [bibtex]
[73] Low-level integration of auditory and visual motion signals requires spatial co-localisation (, , , ), In Exp Brain Res, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 166, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[72] Nonlinear and higher-order approaches to the encoding of natural scenes (, ), In Network: Computation in Neural Systems, Informa UK Limited, volume 16, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[71] Natural scene statistics and nonlinear neural interactions between frequency-selective mechanisms (, ), In Biosystems, Elsevier, volume 79, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[70] Catching audiovisual mice: Predicting the arrival time of auditory-visual motion signals (, , , , , ), In Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 4, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[69] Motion Shapes: Empirical Studies and Neural Modeling (, , , , , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition III, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[68] Nonlinear two-layer wavelet networks for feature extraction and coding (, ), In Proc. 6th IEEE-EURASIP Intern. Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, . [bibtex]
[67] Audio-Visual Sensory Interactions and the Statistical Covariance of the Natural Environment (, , , ), In Proc. Forum Acousticum 2002, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[66] The statistics of natural scenes and Weber's law (, ), In Dynamic Perception, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, . [bibtex]
[65] Hierarchical network model for the analysis of human spatio-temporal information processing (, , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[64] Nonlinear and extra-classical receptive field properties and the statistics of natural scenes (, ), In INET, Informa UK Limited, volume 12, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[63] Nonlinear mechanisms and higher-order statistics in biological vision and electronic image processing: review and perspectives (), In J. Electron. Imaging, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 10, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[62] Scene analysis with saccadic eye movements: Top-down and bottom-up modeling (), In J. Electron. Imaging, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 10, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[61] Nonlinear Operators and Higher-Order Statistics in Image Processing and Analysis (, ), In Proc. ISPA 2001 - 2nd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, . [bibtex]
[60] Auditory-Visual Interactions and the Covariance Structure Generated by Relative Movements in Natural Environments (, ), In Proc. Seventh Intern. Congr. on Sound and Vibration (G. Guidati, H. Hunt, H. Heller, A. Heiss, eds.), . [bibtex]
[59] Nonlinear interactions between frequency components and the selective processing of intrinsically two-dimensional signals by cortical neurons (, ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, volume 4299, . [bibtex]
[58] Object and scene analysis by saccadic eye-movements: an investigation with higher-order statistics (, , , , ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 13, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[57] Cortical Complex Cells and the Statistical Structure of the Natural Environment (, ), In Dynamische Perzeption (G. Baratoff, H. Neumann, eds.), Akad. Verlagsges., volume 9, . [bibtex]
[56] From Motion Observation to Qualitative Motion Representation (, , , , , ), In Spatial Cognition II, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (C. Freksa, C. Habel, K. Wender, eds.), Springer, volume 1849, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[55] Visual processing and representation of spatio-temporal patterns (, , , , , ), In Spatial Cognition II - Integrating Abstract Theories, Empirical Studies, Formal Methods and Practical Applications, Springer, volume 1849, . [bibtex]
[54] Processing of spatio-temporal structures: a hierarchical neural network model (, , , ), In Artificial Intelligence (C. Freksa, ed.), . [bibtex]
[53] The atoms of vision: Cartesian or polar? (, , ), In Journal of the Optical Society of America A, The Optical Society, volume 16, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[52] Knowledge-based scene analysis with saccadic eye movements (, , , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[51] Nonlinear neurons and higher-order statistics: new approaches to human perception and electronic image representations, (, ), In Proc. SPIE, volume 3644, . [bibtex]
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FaLang translation system by Faboba