
kerstin schillLeitung: Arbeitsgruppe Kognitive Neuroinformatik
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Filter publications:
[82] Multi-Robot Graph SLAM Using LIDAR (, , ), In 10th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[81] PRORETA 5 – building blocks for automated urban driving enhancing city road safety (, , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In at - Automatisierungstechnik, volume 72, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[80] Visual-Inertial Odometry aided by Speed and Steering Angle Measurements (, , ), In 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[79] Coverage Path Planning and Precise Localization for Autonomous Lawn Mowers (, , , , , , , , ), In 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[78] The OPA3L System and Testconcept for Urban Autonomous Driving (, , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[77] Efficient Grid Map Data Structures for Autonomous Driving in Large-Scale Environments (, , ), In 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation (ITSC), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[76] Visual-Multi-Sensor Odometry with Application in Autonomous Driving (, , ), In 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[75] Kalman Filter with Moving Reference for Jump-Free, Multi-Sensor Odometry with Application in Autonomous Driving (, , , , ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[74] Extended Object Tracking on the Affine Group Aff(2) (, , ), In 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[73] From Human to Robot Everyday Activity (, , , , , , , , , , , ), In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), . [bibtex] [abstract] [doi]
[72] Evaluation of Measurement Space Representations of Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection for Extended Object Tracking in Autonomous Driving (, , ), In IEEE 3rd Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[71] Realizing a Demonstrator for the Autonomous Exploration of a Parking Lot (, , , , , , , , , , , ), In 1st Virtual IFAC World Congress 2020 (IFAC-V), . (extended abstract) [bibtex] [abstract]
[70] Cooperative Autonomous Navigation for Extra-Terrestrial Exploration (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 17th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), . (extended ebstract) [bibtex] [pdf]
[69] Autonomous Driving Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Multi-Sensor Fusion (, , , , ), In 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV2019), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[68] Autonomous In-Ice Exploration of the Saturnian Moon Enceladus (, , , , , ), In 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[67] Multi-Sensor Fusion and Active Perception for Autonomous Deep Space Navigation (, , ), In 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[66] Neural Computation of Statistical Image Properties in Peripheral Vision (, , , , , ), In Computational and Mathematical Models in Vision (MODVIS), . [bibtex]
[65] Extended Kalman filter with manifold state representation for navigating a maneuverable melting probe (, ), In 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf]
[64] Optimal rotation sequences for active perception (, , , ), In Proc. SPIE: Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (Jerome J. Braun, ed.), SPIE Press, volume 9872, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[63] Towards the exploitation of formal methods for information fusion (, , ), In Proc. SPIE: Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (Jerome J. Braun, ed.), SPIE Press, volume 9872, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[62] Navigation technology for exploration of glacier ice with maneuverable melting probes (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, volume 123, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[61] KaNaRiA: Identifying the Challenges for Cognitive Autonomous Navigation and Guidance for Missions to Small Planetary Bodies (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), In 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex]
[60] Autonomous Orbit Navigation for a Mission to the Asteroid Main Belt (, , , , , , ), In 66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), . [bibtex]
[59] Affordance-Based Object Recognition Using Interactions Obtained from a Utility Maximization Principle (, , , , ), Chapter in Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[58] Evidential Object Recognition Based on Information Gain Maximization (, ), In Belief Functions: Theory and Applications, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[57] Active Sensorimotor Object Recognition in Three-Dimensional Space (, , , , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition IX, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[56] Gelenkte Imagination durch narrative Kontextualisierung – Filmische Bewegtbilder in Eye-Tracking-Experimenten (, , , ), Chapter in Anschauen und Vorstellen. Gelenkte Imagination im Kino (H. Preußer, ed.), Schüren, volume 4, . [bibtex]
[55] Is the user trained? Assessing performance and cognitive resource demands in the Virtusphere (, , , ), In 2013 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[54] Ubiquitous Fall Detection and Activity Recognition System for Bathrooms (, , ), In Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice: AAATE 2013, IOS Press, volume 33, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[53] Sensorimotor integration using an information gain strategy in application to object recognition tasks (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[52] From Pattern Recognition to Place Detection (, , , ), In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Place-related Knowledge Acquisition Research (P-KAR), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[51] Sensorimotor Representation of Space: Application in Autonomous Systems and in a Wayfinding Assistant for Alzheimer\textquotesingles Disease (, , , ), In 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[50] Optimising control algorithms in biofeedback-systems (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[49] Investigating the In-Between: Multisensory Integration of Auditory and Visual Motion Streams (, , , , ), In Seeing and Perceiving, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 25, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[48] The "Intelligent Container" - A Cognitive Sensor Network for Transport Management (, , , , , ), In IEEE Sensors J., Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 11, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[47] Combining Sensorimotor Representation, Top-Down Knowledge, and Active Exploratory Perception for Spatial Localization (Abstract) (, , ), . [bibtex]
[46] UNOBTRUSIVE DATA RETRIEVAL FOR PROVIDING INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE IN AAL ENVIRONMENTS (, , ), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Scitepress, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[45] Spatial alignment of the senses: The role of audition in eye-hand-coordination (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[44] Multi-sensory-motor research: Investigating auditory, visual, and motor interaction in virtual reality environments (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[43] Active vision for exploratory localization (, , , ), In Journal of Vision, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), volume 8, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[42] Motion extrapolation of auditory-visual targets (, , , , ), In Information Fusion, Elsevier, volume 11, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[41] Multisensory Integration in Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[40] Representation of space: image-like or sensorimotor? (, , , ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 22, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[39] A belief-based architecture for scene analysis: From sensorimotor features to knowledge and ontology (, , ), In Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier, volume 160, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[38] From Visual Peception to Place (, , , ), In Cognitive Processing, volume 10, . [bibtex]
[37] The Influence of Visual Stimuli on Auditory Apparent Motion Perception (Abstract) (, , , , ), . [bibtex]
[36] Sensorimotor representation and knowledge-based reasoning for spatial exploration and localisation (, , ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 9, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[35] Active vision for exploratory localization (, , , ), . [bibtex] [abstract]
[34] Navigation based on a sensorimotor representation: a virtual reality study (, , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XII (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[33] Hybride Architektur für die sensomotorische Repräsentation von räumlichen Konfigurationen (, , ), In Beiträge zur 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Kognitionswissenschaft, . [bibtex]
[32] Integrating uncertain knowledge in a domain ontology for room concept classifications (, , ), In The Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, . [bibtex]
[31] Hybrid architecture for the sensorimotor representation of spatial configurations (, , ), In Cogn Process, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 7, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[30] Nonlinear properties of V2 and V4 neurons emerge in multi-layer networks trained with natural images (, , ), In Perception, volume 35, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[29] Catching audiovisual mice: Predicting the arrival time of auditory-visual motion signals (, , , , , ), In Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 4, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[28] Motion Shapes: Empirical Studies and Neural Modeling (, , , , , ), Chapter in Spatial Cognition III, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[27] Audio-Visual Sensory Interactions and the Statistical Covariance of the Natural Environment (, , , ), In Proc. Forum Acousticum 2002, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[26] Hierarchical network model for the analysis of human spatio-temporal information processing (, , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[25] Scene analysis with saccadic eye movements: Top-down and bottom-up modeling (), In J. Electron. Imaging, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 10, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[24] Object and scene analysis by saccadic eye-movements: an investigation with higher-order statistics (, , , , ), In Spatial Vision, Brill Academic Publishers, volume 13, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[23] From Motion Observation to Qualitative Motion Representation (, , , , , ), In Spatial Cognition II, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (C. Freksa, C. Habel, K. Wender, eds.), Springer, volume 1849, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[22] Visual processing and representation of spatio-temporal patterns (, , , , , ), In Spatial Cognition II - Integrating Abstract Theories, Empirical Studies, Formal Methods and Practical Applications, Springer, volume 1849, . [bibtex]
[21] Processing of spatio-temporal structures: a hierarchical neural network model (, , , ), In Proc.in Artificial Intelligence (C. Freksa, ed.), . [bibtex]
[20] Knowledge-based scene analysis with saccadic eye movements (, , , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[19] Qualitative Motion Representation in Egocentric and Allocentric Frames of Reference (, , , , ), Chapter in Spatial Information Theory. Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Geographic Information Science, Springer Science + Business Media, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[18] Studying spatial cognition (, ), In Kuenstliche Intelligenz, volume 3, . [bibtex]
[17] Visual representation of spatiotemporal structure (, , , , ), In Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III (Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, eds.), SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[16] Investigation of a sensorimotor system for saccadic scene analysis: an integrated approach (, , , , , ), In From Animals to Animates 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (R. Pfeifer, B. Blumberg, J. A. Meyer, S. W. Wilson, eds.), Cambridge: MIT Press, volume 5, . [bibtex]
[15] Investigation of a sensorimotor system for saccadic scene analysis: an integrated approach (, , , , , ), In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, MIT Pres, . [bibtex]
[14] Generalization, segmentation and classification of qualitative motion data (, , , , ), In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), . [bibtex]
[13] Optimierung des Lernverhaltens neuronaler Netze durch Beruecksichtigung verschiedener Abstraktionsklassen bei der Netzwerktopologie (, ), In Informatik Fachberichte, GWAI 1989, . [bibtex]
[12] Decision support systems with adaptive reasoning strategies (), Chapter in Foundations of Computer Science (C. Freksa, M. Jantzen, R. Valk, eds.), Springer Science + Business Media, volume 1337, . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[11] A general framework for comparing numerical uncertainty theories (, ), In Proceedings of ISUMA, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[10] Analysing uncertain data in decision support systems (), In Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis and Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), . [bibtex] [abstract] [pdf] [doi]
[9] A model of spatio-temporal memory: the icon revisited (, ), In Psychological Research, volume 57, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[8] Zeitliche Koordinationsprobleme mentaler Prozesse (, ), In KI, volume 2, . [bibtex]
[7] Completing knowledge by competing hierarchies (, , ), In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[6] Levels of binding in perception and cognition (, , ), In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, . [bibtex]
[5] Sensory integration within temporally neutral systems states: A hypothesis (, , ), In Naturwissenschaften, Springer Science + Business Media, volume 77, . [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[4] Medizinische Expertensysteme: Methoden und Techniken (), (R. Oldenbourg München, ed.), München, R. Oldenbourg, . [bibtex]
[3] Multistable states in intra.-hemispheric learning of a sensorimotoric task (, , ), In Proceedings of the V.th International Congress of Psychophysiology, . [bibtex]
[2] Multistable states in intrahemispheric learning of a sensorimotor task (, , ), In NeuroReport, volume 1, . [bibtex] [abstract]
[1] Horizon of simultaneity for auditory and visual stimuli - and how the brain may get rid of it (, , ), In Proceedings of 18 th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, . [bibtex]
FaLang translation system by Faboba